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For instance in Northern Thailand, single tracks (highway=path) can be either:

  • A) steep mountainous trails with hard bends, cliffs, rocks/roots and used by locals on foot only. Only very skilled enduro riders with lightweight dirt bikes can attempt these.
  • B) flat or hilly terrain along rivers, lakes, fields, and forests: locals can navigate these on a small motorcycle, so perfect for any MTB or dual-sport motorbikes.

Since I focus only on B) and want to avoid A) when scouting and planning itineraries, I am looking for a way to tag these trails (highway=path) so they are rendered differently.

  • tracktype is only relevant for highway=track and to describe its softness
  • smoothness is good to describe the required clearance but not the steepness/tight bends requiring potentially pivot turns
  • highway=footway to describe A) would be ideal but I believe this tag should be used instead in urban areas

Additional came across this proposal I like the idea of a rating system however not the fact that this would require some separate viewer.

Any ideas on how this could be solved? Thanks!

asked 18 May '21, 10:20

cmoffroad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 May '21, 03:33

I use tracktype wherever it might be relevant, not just on highway=track. suggests I'm not alone in doing that.

(18 May '21, 10:54) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse correct but tracktype is only meant to describe surface firmness nothing to do with steepness/accessibility or difficulty

(18 May '21, 11:03) cmoffroad

that motorcycle:scale seems to perfectly fit your requirement. Don't be afraid of it not being shown on maps.

If you are on a bike you might have a Garmin unit. For these it is relatively easy to adjust the rendering style. Data volume in Thailand or Laos allows this. You could have a dedicated style for your biking. Check out the openstreetmap forum for recommendations from others on how to do that.

Please refrain from (ab)using other tags to get the rendering in a way you like. This is not welcome within OSM.

permanent link

answered 19 May '21, 19:32

Stephan%20Knauss's gravatar image

Stephan Knauss
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 May '21, 10:20

question was seen: 1,107 times

last updated: 20 May '21, 03:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum