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Sur les routes de col fermées en hiver il y souvent l'attribut suivant :

access:conditional=no @ (Nov-May)

access:conditional=no @ (Oct 20-May 31)

access:conditional=no @ week 46-20

Mais quand on cherche un itinéraire sur Openstreetmap ou QwantMap le col est toujours proposé même en période de fermeture. Est-ce normal? Est-ce qu'il y a un autre attribut pour indiquer que la route est totalement fermée pendant une certaine période?

Merci :)

asked 17 May '21, 11:07

Silym's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To avoid this issue I have seen others recommend reversing the conditions. In this case you would mark the road as access=no and then access:conditional=yes @ .... If you do this "less intelligent" software can present more reliable options and software that understands conditional restrictions will still give the correct result. I don't think I would recommend this if the restriction was very brief, but if they are a significant length of time it seems like it might give the most satisfactory result.

permanent link

answered 17 May '21, 18:24

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

NB this response is based on Google Translate's attempt at the question, please disregard if I've misunderstood.

(17 May '21, 18:27) InsertUser

Ok, thank you for the answer, i will try for some popular road passes in the Alps witch are close 5 months a year.

(18 May '21, 10:39) Silym

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question asked: 17 May '21, 11:07

question was seen: 1,338 times

last updated: 18 May '21, 12:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum