I have added a new address last week: https://ibb.co/LN7LQ52 However, it cannot befound: https://ibb.co/kgYbRG8 Works on Google Maps: https://ibb.co/mTGgPpf Here are my changes: https://ibb.co/brnnzTs |
I do think that @alan_gr is right. You have added "Hällberga Knutstorp" as a street address to the building, but the street is not in the OpenStreetMap database. You also have not provided a house number, but addressed in Sweden usually have one. Nominatim search is a lot less fuzzy than Google Maps search. If you search for a string like the one above it will think that this string is the name of an object (street, bulding, river, whatever). It can find no object with such a name, it will not give results. Hej Discostu36, Thank you for you answer and you are right that address is not containing number, but it is correct address. See here: https://www.hitta.se/kartan!~59.32157,16.59080,18.034303417563365z/tr!i=B1hgJZIO/search!st=prv!q=h%C3%A4llberga%20knutstorp%20h%C3%A4llberga%20knutstorp%20eskilstuna!b=53.95609:-9.49219,69.73333:25.00488!t=weblist!ai=LMP5OOkoAK!aic=59.32162:16.59050?search=h%25C3%25A4llberga%2520knutstorp%2520h%25C3%25A4llberga%2520knutstorp%2520eskilstuna&sst=prv&st=weblist https://ibb.co/pxRQVxN This is correct address: Hällberga Knutstorp, 635 19 Eskilstuna Without number.
(19 May '21, 08:31)
From that site I would rather assume (Hällberga) Knutstorp is the name of the small hamlet. Hällberga Knutstorp is not the name of the adjacent street (which might not have one). If that is the case you could add a node next to the building with: Then change the Don't use the street and housenumber tags. Specifically do not use In fact, there is no street name sign at that street leading to Knutstorp. So unless you have other evidence that the street is named Hällberga Knutstorp don't tag the street like that. We should map reality and not something to make the search engine find an object.
(19 May '21, 12:00)
Even if that is the correct address, it may not be tagged correctly. What kind of object is Hällberga Knutstorp? You have used this in the address:street tag, this only makes sense if there is actually a street with that name, which there doesn't seem to be. I see you have also added this in addr:housenumber, that probably won't work as it is not a number. As I mentioned above, addr:housename may be suitable, if Hällberga Knutstorp is in fact the name of a house (or building or similar object). |
Osm link https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/104559284#map=17/59.32145/16.59147
I notice that you have addr:street=Hällberga Knutstorp , but there seems to be no street mapped with that name. If this is really a street name it should be in the name= tag of the relevant street. If it is the name of a building then addr:housename may be more appropriate.
I don't know for sure if this is the reason the search engine does not find this address.