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The log has no handrail so not everyone will be able or even attempt to cross it. The stream underneath may be passable at the peak of the dry season but even then not always. If you are very good at jumping from rock to rock, it may be an option.

asked 16 May '21, 18:03

droidguy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, To start with obviously highway=(path/track) and bridge=yes, layer=1, handrail=no, surface=wood and width=?(in metres ie 0.5).

You can also add the allowed or restricted traffic ie foot=yes, bicycle=no wheelchair=no as the case may be.

A description=??? tag can say for example "Rough log bridge might be difficult to cross. The stream underneath may be passable at the peak of the dry season but even then not always. If you are very good at jumping from rock to rock, it may be an option."

Any combination or all of the above are OK

permanent link

answered 17 May '21, 08:42

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 17 May '21, 08:43

You might also consider adding the hazard=* key, especially if there is any kind warning posted on the trail or in official descriptions of the trail. None of the values in the wiki seem to fit, but you could use something like hazard=dangerous_bridge or just hazard=yes.

(17 May '21, 13:02) jmapb

@jmapb: I'd use a more generic hazard slipping or falling (if you add hazard to the bridge this already says dangerous bridge).

@droidguy: I've wondered for some time if we ought to have subtags for various types of bridges on footpaths (e.g., plank bridges are common over ditches in UK, but vary between 1 & 2 planks wide (~30-60 cm)).

(17 May '21, 13:28) SK53 ♦

@SK53 I don't feel that the word "slip" properly conveys the danger of falling off the side of a bridge, but we have hazard=falling (23 uses at Taginfo) which would work.

(17 May '21, 15:04) jmapb

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question asked: 16 May '21, 18:03

question was seen: 1,665 times

last updated: 17 May '21, 15:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum