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Hello! I recently started learning and using OSM. I used Java scrip with action "oninput" and I assume this caused the IP address to be blocked. I expect that it violated policy calls to the server. I used this query: var url = "" + inp.value; ("GET", url, true); Could you please help how can I unblock my IP?


asked 14 May '21, 18:23

Enzo37's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, the Nominatim usage policy clearly says that:

"The following uses are strictly forbidden and will get you banned: ... Auto-complete search This is not yet supported by Nominatim and you must not implement such a service on the client side using the API."

By sending a query every time a key was pressed, you have violated this rule. If you have not done this in an egregious fashion then your IP block will be lifted after a while automatically. You can use the time until then to read the policy ;)

permanent link

answered 14 May '21, 18:39

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you for explanation. I have already become acquainted with politics:) IP was blocked more than 2 hours ago, could you please tell how long the IP will be blocked? My IP


(14 May '21, 18:54) Enzo37

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question asked: 14 May '21, 18:23

question was seen: 6,200 times

last updated: 14 May '21, 20:21

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