I need to export data information (max speed limit, highway typology, surface typology) from a route selected. The route would be exported from the navigator system, which would return the list of waypoints. My idea is that all the waypoints would be connected and make the several ways of the route. Then from the ways, I extract the information. But the problem is that I don't have any idea how to manage the problem. There's a web app, called brouter, that in general do what I would to obtain. I will appreciate every help. Thanks |
Hello, you should probably use overpass-turbo If you want a CSV, try this with NNN = the ID of your route, and you can add in the first line any tag you want to see :
Ok, thanks, I'll try it. But the problem is that I don't know the ID of my route, I think.
(11 May '21, 12:20)
Could you post a link OSM with a road belonging to this route, and its name ?
(11 May '21, 14:02)
Maybe to sort out the problem a bit. This is what I understood. Correct me if I am wrong.
Yes, this is the idea. For example, this is what I'd obtain (see the Data section), obviously without this web interface. http://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=10/45.1360/7.1205/standard,route-quality&lonlats=7.017349,45.116177;7.330383,45.119084