Hello, There is an issue with our Route Master (Relation #7496792) of line 144. This line is a round trip that is driven in 2 directions and one of them has been deleted. Is it possible to restore it ? We also have a backup of the stops and the route in the form of a JSON file. Is there a way to upload them to Openstreetmap ? Sincerely Voyages Weber |
You seem to have deleted the other direction about a year ago: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7496790/history. The relation can easily be restored (subject to conflicts on underlying ways) using the JOSM undelete plugin, and then re-added to the route master. 1
The route master currently contains two routes. One is a round trip named 144, the other is a straight route named 471. This does not seem to be correct. Did you mean to remove 471 when you deleted the other one you mentioned? You have to be careful to only remove the route relation from the master route relation and not to delete the route relation.
(10 May '21, 15:07)