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I wrote an import wiki to document an import of cave entrances, but I have some difficulties in tagging. I also posted a message about it on tagging mailing list.

I need help for the following key=value.

General question: for cave entrance morphology (not cave morphology), with key should be used? cave_entrance:type=* ?

About cave_entrance:type values, dataset is in italian language and I don't have skills to translate speleo terms correctly; Below a list with frequency and my guesses:

  • Pozzo 5814 well, pit
  • Pozzetto 1641 pit, cockpipt
  • Cunicolo 317 cuniculus
  • Caverna 263 cavern
  • Galleria 236 gallery, tunnel
  • Cavernetta 138 small_cavern
  • Fessura 124 crack, gap
  • Scivolo 92 slide
  • Baratro 34 abyss, chasm
  • Riparo sottoroccia 23 rock_shelter (a shelter with rocky ceiling)
  • Meandro 16 meander
  • Voragine 14 chasm, sinkhole

Any suggestions?
Better set a description:it/note tag instead and leave the job for speleologists who (hopefully) will come across?

asked 10 May '21, 09:38

Cascafico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

  1. cave_entrance= will do. at least there's 8 instances. Make sure you can actually enter them, as cautioned by
  2. Usually imports can create their own keys for specific use, like solving this problem you have here by preserving this origin Italian data first. While I have no experience in importing, within existing syntax, you may use at least cave_entrance:description:it= to help ensure no one overwrites your description:it=.
permanent link

answered 10 May '21, 11:56

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 10 May '21, 09:38

question was seen: 919 times

last updated: 10 May '21, 11:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum