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I have a few polygons (forrest) that I made a few years ago. They are rendered on some layers on mapnik. But in many layers they aren't. So it is some problems with them. Is there a good tool to see what's wrong with these polygons?

The polygon is visible on level 8 and level 9 on (mapnik) but not on level 10-18.

I discovered that it's visible on all levels with the Osmarender map. So maybe this is a Mapnik problem.

In this case I talk about the forrest on an island:

asked 19 Sep '11, 12:13

Jonas_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Sep '11, 12:52

OSM Inspector and keep right are both useful tools when checking for errors. These should flag any geometry errors.

In this case neither showed any problems, looking at the tagging I noticed that the island had natural=land and layer=0 both of which were not necessary since the island was part of a multipolygon. Removing the out of date tags has fixed the problem.

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answered 19 Sep '11, 14:25

quantumstate's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Mapnik have different rendering rules for different zoom levels. This helps to make the map clean and not cluttered. Osmarender does not do this and can therefore be more cluttered.

One example of this is Finland, "land of the thousand lakes", whitch is rendered the standard color in Mapnik but since Osmrender renderes all the lakes even at the low zoom levels it is almost blue in Osmrender.

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answered 19 Sep '11, 12:29

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Yes, but then it should be the opposite, since level 10-18 contains more details than level 8 and 9 does.

(19 Sep '11, 12:44) Jonas_

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question asked: 19 Sep '11, 12:13

question was seen: 5,555 times

last updated: 19 Sep '11, 14:25

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