The documentation for So far, I've been adding the
So now I'm wondering both how I should fix my previous edits and what I should do in the future if I know the turn indications but not where they start. In some cases, I may be able to get the starting point from imagery, but not in all cases. Would the following be reasonable: add the tag to the last way, but if that way extends beyond the previous junction, split it there before adding the tag to the second part? Then is there a way I can record for other mappers (e.g., in a For that matter, is |
As you have discovered, Of course, it would be ideal if you could make out the start of the turn lanes on the aerial imagery background or with street-level images that are permitted for use in OSM mapping (e.g. Mapillary, KartaView) and split the way in that location. If that's not possible, though, you could split the way quite close to the junction and tag only the short bit immediately adjacent to the junction with 1
Thanks. As a newcomer, I assumed that artificially splitting ways was undesirable, but if you don't think it's a big deal, I'll go with that solution for now. Maybe I'll invent a tag,
(09 May '21, 01:31)
Matt McCutchen
I think a textual fixme tag would be better, like fixme="start of turn lane imprecise". If you invent a new tag it won't be displayed by any tool.
(09 May '21, 18:41)
Adding nodes to change geometry is normal. Splitting the way at a node is necessary when way information is different for each side of the way. If you are mapping lane information, you will be doing this regularly unless working in an area where it has already been done. If you have data that likely needs correction such as guessing at the location the turn lane starts then you could use a fixme or a map note to draw attention/reminder to it. If you plan to fix in short order they make it easy to find and you can even note there that you will resurvey it but if not then other mappers can take what is there to further revise it. New tags are best when trying to present something that doesn't fit current tagging. New tags are worth documenting and discussing so people can be aware of them and may have feedback to further improve the idea. I don't know if anyone looks out for fixme: tags but editors definitely draw attention to fixme itself. You could store the entire information within the fixme message if you felt that what you were about to add could be wrong data; someone could copy it into proper tags when ready.
(20 May '21, 20:28)
Thanks for the further advice. (Somehow I did not get email notifications for the last two comments.) As of now, I've been able to collect the missing information to eliminate all my existing
(06 Sep '21, 17:47)
Matt McCutchen
Out of curiosity: How are you able to identify the turn lanes without knowing where they start?
As I'm moving, I can see where the lanes start, but I have no way to locate the point precisely on the map. Even if my phone is recording a GPS trace, if I'm driving, I may not have a free hand to push a button to make a mark at the current location, or even if I did, the latency of my GPS receiver may make it hard to get an accurate location.