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We are using the in our web application. The maps are working fine on the windows computer. We have recently tried to open the app on the microsoft surface pros and the maps are not showing the street details. What I found strange is the maps are working fine in the QA environment on the Surface pro but the streets are missing in the Production. Do we need to add an API key or do we need to change any setting on the surface pro?Any help is appreciated.

asked 07 May '21, 14:21

SwathiNimas's gravatar image

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You'll need to provide more information about how you're using the OSM data. Are you rendering a map background? If so, vector or raster? Which software package?

(07 May '21, 17:00) alester

Hi Alester, we are rendering the map in the background of the application. It is a .net application. We are using the vector images.

(07 May '21, 17:07) SwathiNimas

@SwathiNimas That doesn't really help.

Where do you get these "vector images" from (what exact URL)? What error do you get when you try and retrieve them?

(07 May '21, 17:19) SomeoneElse ♦

We are getting the maps from the The streets are not showing up. I can see the assests(vector images) but not the street names.

(07 May '21, 17:48) SwathiNimas

We are getting the maps from the .

Can you give the exact URL of what you are trying to display, and how your are accessing that URL? What error do you get when you try and retrieve them? What is different between where it works and where it does not work?

As an aside, if you are using raster map tiles served by OpenStreetMap then you'll need to follow . I've no idea if that's relevant though as there's really not enough information to tell yet.

(07 May '21, 18:08) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 07 May '21, 14:21

question was seen: 1,016 times

last updated: 07 May '21, 18:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum