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I downloaded country maps from a year ago. I re downloaded the same maps but they are exactly the same in size now a year on. Any info/help/advice appreciated. Is the above site no longer providibg updates??

asked 05 May '21, 08:43

En3route's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you aware that there are various alternatives to See

(10 May '21, 08:26) scai ♦

Unfortunately people usually in the loop have not been able to communicate with the operator for a long time. The webpage itself mentions there's an issue and maps are dated back in June 2020 for the last update. I have used it as motivation to get back to trying to generate maps myself (having moderate success but still working through learning issues). There are other sites where different maps can are generated and available for download. has many sites that can be reviewed to see if they have content you can make use of.

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answered 20 May '21, 20:11

mirror176's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

seems the ow ner of that site has given up. Shame

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answered 06 May '21, 17:24

En3route's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you for replying Hendrik I'll try again... I downloaded all the individual country maps ( France, Spain, Swiss etc) from back in May 2020

I have RE-downloaded all the same maps from the same site a couple of weeks back ( late April 2021) - then compared to those I downloaded a year ago found that they ALL are the same size in bytes and show the same date 20th June 2020 which leads me to believe the maps were compiled a year ago and have not been updated. And this is why I ask, as I cannot find anyway to email the site owner, if anyone knew if that site had effectively been 'abandonned' or at least the updating of it. If anyone know the email of the site owner, please do either tell me so that I may write or could you send him/her a mail to alert him/her of my post here???? to ask the question: will there be updates to the mapping available on ? thank you

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answered 08 May '21, 12:49

En3route's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 May '21, 12:54

Hi En3route, did you take a look here ? What do you mean by 'the same size' ? Did you match both images to be alike ? Or better whats the size or subject of the selected map, country, provence, city or region ?

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answered 08 May '21, 11:30

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 05 May '21, 08:43

question was seen: 3,671 times

last updated: 20 May '21, 20:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum