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Hello, I've seen a few posts about this, but they are quite old now, and I'm looking for a more modern solution.

  • I want to find an Android app that sits in the background logging GPS locations, without interfering with other apps. Basic UI, no fuss.
  • This will automatically upload when it has signal, and (of course) should continue offline and when signal returns it will attempt to upload these GPS points into a track online.
  • These tracks would then be accessible online to display into a map or, at least just a JSON/CSV/etc file that can be downloaded and interpreted by another mapping solution.

Basically, it's for a sailing blog where there's a map with WhereAmINow? It will show current location and previous tracks/days done. Not a daily trip, but sailing trips that may last months. No-fuss app that doesn't need constant attention every day. Just on, and recording, and automatically logging/uploading/etc.

I'm trying to find an app that will allow this, as I'm creating a Sailing Blog in and there will be an HTML embedded map object from my domain where I can pickup the GPS files uploaded (automatically somewhere) and then display then on my map, which is then shown on WIX.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Also accepting alternative ideas to a Blogging platform for long sailing trips with auto tracking from a mobile device, and auto upload when signal returns. Basically an easy where-am-i-now map feature with tracks of all previous journeys

Many thanks, James

asked 03 May '21, 19:26

JammoLondon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

ULogger looks great, but you'll need your own PHP web server.


permanent link

answered 03 May '21, 20:51

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 03 May '21, 19:26

question was seen: 1,895 times

last updated: 03 May '21, 20:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum