Hi, not sure I have chosen the best subject. Imagine there is a Leaflet / OSM map on a certain server and it's displaying a bunch of POI in my browser - let's say all the shops of a company. As a user I can click on them, get details in a small popup etc. I am not into Leaflet, but as far as I can see, everything seems to be made via Javascript / Ajax requests. I would like to "read" the list of POI via PHP from that server without "having to deal" with the map itself. How? Any advise appreciated. Thank you! |
The list of POI is probably in a geojson, or GPX file. You'll have to read the code to find the path. Or you can check the calls in the network tab of the developer tab of your browser. Please share the url of the map if you want more specific help. Also be aware that it's probably illegal to scrape data this way, it should be mentioned in the ToS of the website. If your usecase is legitimate, you should contact them to have confirmation. Regards. |