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In the real world the following has happened

Pound Stretcher (way 479076385) and PetHut (way 479076386) shared a building on Tyldesley Road. These two businesses vacated and B&M Bargins moved its business from Shuttle Street (way 479074651) and occupies the entire building on Tyldesley Road. The building on Shuttle Street still stands but is vacant.

What is considered the best way to handle this situation in OSM? Can way 479076385 and 479076386 be merged? Should I take one and delete the other? Or should way 479076385 and 479076386 be deleted and way 479074651 be moved from Shuttle Street to Tyldesley Road with a new way been created for the vacant building?

asked 02 May '21, 16:35

Chrish2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The old B&M name tag should be deleted, if it has other info such as website that could be noted and added to new site. Depending upon the editor merging or deleting and redrawing or deleting the simplest shape then modifying the other to the whole building could be easier. Then add the name and add any noted info. I couldn't give a step by step without knowing which editor you want to use. I was tempted to do it for you but I hope you want to do it yourself. Just have a go, it isn't a big deal if you don't do perfectly, who does? :-). happy mapping.

permanent link

answered 02 May '21, 19:37

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

The plus it if we/you do a good job others won't need to improve it, and you can look at the map and say "I did that" if you like to talk to yourself!

(02 May '21, 19:43) andy mackey
(02 May '21, 22:36) Chrish2

Looks good

(03 May '21, 17:31) andy mackey

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question asked: 02 May '21, 16:35

question was seen: 1,035 times

last updated: 03 May '21, 17:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum