Hello - What are the mechanical steps to show a trail segment (Path) following a portion of an existing paved roadway? I can see examples of this is my area (the OSM feature is a Road and their is a relationship of this feature to the Hiking Route associated with the trail system), I am just not sure how to get there (do I add a new line that travels on top of the existing road?) --Thanks! |
You seem to be using the in-browser editor iD. Relation handling is very difficult in there. I advise switching to JOSM if you want to continue working with relations. That tool is also more powerful in many other aspects. But if you prefer staying with iD here is what you have to do:
So, no, do not add a new line but assign the existing road section to the route. If the route only covers part of the road you have to split the way first. Thanks for the pointer to JOSM. Yes, as a newbie I have been using iD as my editor. [Looks like you answered my question on splitting in your original response. Sorry for the unnecessary question below.] Ok, but your instructions assumes the length of the existing (road) way matches the length of the trail co-alignment, which will not always be the case. So I may need to divide the existing (road) way at the points where the co-aligned trail enters and exits the (road) way, correct? Please forgive my simplistic questions. --Thanks!
(28 Apr '21, 20:07)
Yes, this is what the last sentence of TZorn's answer refers to. Splitting an existing way because only part of it belongs to a relation is very common when mapping route relations.
(28 Apr '21, 20:37)
(in case anyone hasn't seen it, this was also touched on in the discussion at https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/79842/treatment-of-co-aligned-trails )