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I have encountered cases where OSM shows residential streets were none exist. I have heard these referred to as "paper roads/streets" by some people. The state of New Jersey NJ-GeoWeb does not show residential streets either for the area in question. Should these paper streets be removed from OSM or can that be tagged to indicate these are not physical streets?


asked 28 Apr '21, 14:53

Rob009's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There was a similar question asked just recently. Have a look there.

(28 Apr '21, 17:52) TZorn

If these are roads that have recently been designated and are planned to be built in the near future, you could change them to highway=proposed + proposed=residential. I would only do this if there's a very strong likelihood that they will be built.

If these are roads that were designated as rights-of-way many years ago and never actually built, I would say they should be removed. It doesn't help anyone to show a non-existent road in a way that implies that it exists.

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answered 28 Apr '21, 17:12

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

I think it is the latter, right-of-ways from manny years ago. The New Jersey NJ-GeoWeb shows land parcels in these areas, but there are undeveloped and will likely never be developed for environmental reasons.

(28 Apr '21, 20:45) Rob009

In that case, these roads should be removed from the OSM data. The general rule is that we map "what's on the ground", so if there isn't a road, the data shouldn't say there is.

(28 Apr '21, 23:01) alester

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question asked: 28 Apr '21, 14:53

question was seen: 629 times

last updated: 28 Apr '21, 23:01

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