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On the main site, with mapnik map. If I zoom in to a country side town that has been rarely changed. And then click on the "History" tab to see the Changeset history, I see lots of changesets-messages. Why is that?

Example: Changeset for an country side area with almost no map symbols, but still a lot of change-set messages.

This makes it hard to use the changeset-history. I think that some of my mapping years ago is removed, so I would like to see the changeset-history.

asked 18 Sep '11, 21:04

Jonas_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Sep '11, 23:30

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

The history tab shows all changesets where the bounding box of the changeset intersects the bounding box of your map display. This usually includes many changesets that affected data on a world-wide scale, e.g. making just one edit on each continent will create very big bounding box!

It is good style to avoid such large changesets but still they do happen. There is a much better tool than the history view, called OWL, that does not have this problem; OWL should only highlight changesets that really have affected the area in question.

OWL is still under development but once it is stable, the plan is to replace the current history view with one generated by OWL.

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answered 18 Sep '11, 21:17

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

ITO's OSM Mapper application also allows you to "watch" an area in a similar way to OWL. Like OWL, it only shows actual changes with the area that you're interested in, not those that have a huge bounding box that incorporates it.

It doesn't yet track deletes though, so it won't find who deleted some stuff of yours unless the person that did it also added something new.

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answered 18 Sep '11, 23:36

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Note at the moment the OWL service seems some what defunct.

There is a new 'service' that goes some way to remove massive bounding box changes that cover the area in question, working from the basic OSM history feed.

Hopefully one day OWL will come back and be part of the core OSM services.

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answered 17 Aug '12, 00:12

robbieonsea's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

If you mapped in the area, you can then identify the changesets that you created and then find the nodes, ways etc that you created. You can then look at thier history and see if they have been changed, moved or deleted by someone else since you created them.
Use the link to 'Your user page' and the 'my edits' link to do this. Paging through your edits may find your changeset if you know when the changes were made or have a helpfull comment. If you don't know when the change was made but can identify the area, adding a bounding box to the search may help. So for the link you provided try the following

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answered 19 Sep '11, 14:17

srbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

In the Potlach2 editor it's easy to find who as worked on a way.

  1. Enter edit mode
  2. Highlight way
  3. Click on advanced tab (bottom of tagging box)
  4. Click on way number (top on tagging box)
  5. You should now see edit history of that way
  6. Highlight one from list
  7. Click see more details

Hope this helps

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answered 17 Aug '12, 10:49

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 17 Aug '12, 22:59

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question asked: 18 Sep '11, 21:04

question was seen: 7,184 times

last updated: 17 Aug '12, 22:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum