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I am having issues with uploading my trace from strava to OSM. I get a fault message saying that the file is not valid. Anybody having a clue to what can help or how to solve the problem?

Im a newbie to OSM so had been nice with some help. :D

asked 24 Apr '21, 15:02

Seterveien%20AS's gravatar image

Seterveien AS
accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Apr '21, 15:12

Are you getting an error when you import a .gpx file? Do you import it in ID editor (default in-browser editor)?

(24 Apr '21, 17:33) qqqqqqqqqqqq...

The error message I get Is this one "0 points parsed ok. Do they all have lat,lng,alt,timestamp?" I have not edited the file in ID Editor, how do I do this?

(25 Apr '21, 19:45) Seterveien AS

Have a ook at the file in a text editor to check that it looks like it should. As I write this, the most recent public GPX file is . Do the fields in your file look like the fields in that one?

(25 Apr '21, 21:03) SomeoneElse ♦

Here is a piece of the code . May look like it is something wrong with the latitude code? Is the biggest difference between my file and the one you linked to.

<trkpt lat="62.57574" lon="11.379280000000001"> <ele>628.5</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.575196" lon="11.37902"> <ele>628.5200000000001</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.57556" lon="11.37845"> <ele>628.82</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.575520000000004" lon="11.37832"> <ele>628.6</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.57551000000001" lon="11.378260000000001"> <ele>628.6</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.57576000923884" lon="11.3766500135947"> <ele>627.36</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.576010000000004" lon="11.37504"> <ele>628.2500000000001</ele> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="62.576060000000005" lon="11.37509"> <ele>628.38</ele> </trkpt>

(26 Apr '21, 21:16) Seterveien AS

Your trace is missing timestamps. The one I linked to has "<time>2021-04-25T09:33:59Z</time>" in it; yours doesn't have anything like that.

(26 Apr '21, 22:32) SomeoneElse ♦

What is the complete name of the file? Does Strava give you options on how to download?

.gpx is the standard format, although I don't know if it's the only one OSM accepts.

permanent link

answered 24 Apr '21, 17:35

MtnBiker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've downloaded tracks from strava as .gpx and imported them in ID without problems. Not sure if you can download other formats from strava. (Also you probably meant this as a comment, not an answer)

(24 Apr '21, 17:40) qqqqqqqqqqqq...

The file name is: R_ros_Vingelen47KmDel_1.gpx Strava allow you to download as .trx file also.

(25 Apr '21, 19:46) Seterveien AS

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question asked: 24 Apr '21, 15:02

question was seen: 1,450 times

last updated: 26 Apr '21, 22:32

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