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I have a beekeeping survey from Nigeria and wish to plot some of it on a map. Is OSM amenable to add locations where different types of beehive are used? Thanks.

asked 23 Apr '21, 11:48

Barmingmag's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is possible to record beehives in OpenStreetMap (almost 50,000 beehives are in OSM right now). However, you would not simply be able to upload them, you would be expected to ensure they match existing OSM data - e.g. that you don't upload a beehive where one already is, or you don't upload a beehive in the middle of a river or a building and so on. Additionally, bee hives are not currently shown on the standard map style used on i.e. even if you record your beehives in OSM, you would have to write a custom map style.

A more promising approach might be creating a map of your survey locations with which uses OSM as a base map but allows you to draw data on top (that would then not be uploaded to OSM proper).

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answered 23 Apr '21, 11:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for the reply. I've taken a look at umap and it looks like it provides what I need. I'm hoping that it can use custom icons and possibly (though not of necessity) associate photos.

(23 Apr '21, 12:16) Barmingmag

When you use uMap make sure to log in first before creating a new map. Otherwise you run a riks not being able to edit the map later.

You can definitely associate images and link to them. I'm not sure if you can display them in the map.

(23 Apr '21, 13:33) TZorn

Good tip. Thanks. Looks like I can load custom icons using urls eg via Wikimedia Commons.

(23 Apr '21, 14:31) Barmingmag

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question asked: 23 Apr '21, 11:48

question was seen: 768 times

last updated: 23 Apr '21, 16:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum