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I'm aiming to plot various parish assets (street lamps, bins, benches, etc), so that my colleagues on the Parish Council can know where these things are and so that we can manage them efficiently. I'm beginning to learn how to plot these Nodes, but haven't found out how my colleagues can view them. And can they select to view just "our" assets? By definition, the parish is a relatively small area. Nonetheless, there is quite a lot of detail on the map that they don't need. Thanks in advance. PS. I struggled to find an appropriate tag for the "required" box.

asked 22 Apr '21, 13:28

Barrie1956's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The most powerful tool to display custom data is Overpass-QL, especially the overpass-turbo web interface.

For example, this query. Notice how I used the assistant (in the comments), really easy. You could build a complex query, "unioning" all the desired features. Then, in export, you get a link to display resulting map, on your website for example. You can even customize the rendering with mapCSS, for example some color for benches, some other for bins.

Additionally, you could use uMap. It's a powerful web application to make maps. You can draw whatever you want, but, better in your case, you can display data directly from OSM, using overpass queries. You could create a layer for each type of feature you wish to display, with different styles, and instruct these layer to get the relevant data using overpass. You can get popups, to display the data of the pulled nodes. I would use a static layer to display the frontier of the parish, if you want it, because it is usually a big request. So, download as gpx the relation 1608954 and children once, and upload it in uMap. You can also draw some stuff directly in uMap, if you don't want to clutter the OSM database with it, or for privacy or copyright reasons.

There are a lot of possible approaches, professionals like to use QGis, a promising interface is LizMap, but there are others. But it's usually more complicated.

Hope this helps. Please comment or send message if you need more specific help, I could guide you setting up uMap.


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answered 23 Apr '21, 20:09

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Hi H_mlet Thanks for your answer. The deeper I get into this process, the more I find that it exceeds my abilities. AND, for the relatively simple task that I have, it would be disproportionate to the effort required to make it happen, even with help from you guys. (This reflects badly more on me than you!!) I'm going to try to find a simpler solution. I already have one or two idea. Thanks again.

(27 Apr '21, 11:58) Barrie1956

I don't have a direct answer to your question but I'd like to point you to our wiki page OpenStreetMap for Government. It's probably only a small sample of public body uses of OSM but maybe it gives you some ideas and hints.

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answered 22 Apr '21, 14:27

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Wow. Thanks for the link, TZorn, but that is HEAPS more complex than what I'm aiming for. Maybe Open Streetmap is not the best platform for me and my task? Anyone else?

(22 Apr '21, 14:58) Barrie1956

It's fairly straightforward to search for stuff based on certain criteria (here is a search for car parks with a certain operator in a certain area) but without an example of what you want to do people won't be able to give specific replies.

(22 Apr '21, 15:27) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 22 Apr '21, 13:28

question was seen: 1,268 times

last updated: 04 May '21, 21:35

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