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Hello List, is there a way to get amenity=school polygons or nodes inside amenity=school polygons?

asked 22 Apr '21, 09:19

Cascafico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Use Overpass, find all school polygons in an area and then for each one see if there is a school within it. This example is based on the fairways example from the OSM Wiki;

out; > ; out geom;

I happen to know of at least one school within a school (which in this case is not a bug, so please don't 'fix' it) within this city.

permanent link

answered 22 Apr '21, 13:14

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

I'm aware there are some discussions about considering it an issue. I commented school wiki page [1] and I hope conclusions will go for landuse=school.

Thanks for the fast and clear example... and don't worry for your school ;-)


(23 Apr '21, 12:27) Cascafico

This is an extreme minority view about amenity=school, unsubstantiated by any meaningful discussion. All educational institutions can be assumed to have an implicit landuse of education, but there is nothing to be gained from adding it explicitly, and "school" would be the wrong value anyway.

(23 Apr '21, 12:56) SK53 ♦

In OSM I think there is a fundamental difference between phisical objects and functional ones:
- landuse is phisical
- amenity is functional
Hence IMHO there is no redundancy in using a tagging schema like this:

building=school (inner poly)
amenity=school (whatever primitive your knowledge represents better the function)
landuse=school (outer poly)

I came to this schema trying to map a school which I know very well. An area used by 3 different inner schools, each with its own isced:level and name.

(26 Apr '21, 11:07) Cascafico

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question asked: 22 Apr '21, 09:19

question was seen: 1,286 times

last updated: 26 Apr '21, 11:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum