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Hi Guys,

We've created a nice little wordpress plugin that allows us to create trails of religious spots across some fairly barren areas. The problem is that we have 9 trails and each trail has around 8 markers.

The GraphHopper subscription we would need is 160 a month which is way to high for us, it will not be a popular site, just a few pilgrims following a trail.

Is there an alternative method to create a walking trail with this amount of spots along the way?


asked 20 Apr '21, 19:31

DavidHenry's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%


Can you explain more about the plugin. If you say that the trails are known and fixed, then what would you need a routing engine for? You could just save them to a file and display them? I am obviously missing some important detail.

(20 Apr '21, 19:45) Frederik Ramm ♦

Sorry, maybe my terminology is wrong, I'm new to OSM. The plugin uses the api to get the addresses, then records the coordinates.

The displayed map then shows the markers with a colour coded line connecting them in the correct order.

Are you saying that I don't need Graphhopper to do this?


(21 Apr '21, 08:25) DavidHenry

How often do you do that David? For me it sounds like a one time exercise for each of the nine trails (routes). Once you have recorded the coordinates they won't change. Thus no need for a subscription.

Maybe we take this from the other direction: Tell us what a user of your website (the few pilgrims you mentioned) are expecting to see and do. Are they just looking at a map (possibly to print out) or do they need a turn by turn navigation along the trail? Do they need driving directions to the start of the route? Will they change routes?

(21 Apr '21, 08:49) TZorn

yes, your right, the maps have historical points, churches don't move about much so they are very unlikely to change. Once the marker is set it's permanent.

When the users visit the site, they click on a route/trail, they see the info and a map which has a start and finish, with markers along the way, the markers are connected by a trail. Something like this:

(21 Apr '21, 09:57) DavidHenry

What you want to do is create a GeoJSON file that contains the markers and/or route that you want to display, and then load that into your Leaflet or OpenLayers map. Since the route does, according to what you write above, not depend on any input from the user, there is absolutely no need why everyone looking at your map would need to have a route calculated by Graphhopper. Everyone can simply look at the route that you have created, and supplied in a GeoJSON file. This will require a little programming but, having created a WordPress plugin, you are no stranger to that.

(Note that even if you're not using the Graphhopper service, your plugin still depends on using a free map tile source, likely While "just a few pilgrims following a trail" is unlikely to pose a problem, should your app become more popular you will want to study to make sure you can continue to use this free resource.)

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answered 21 Apr '21, 18:41

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

If you just want a static map with trails marked on it, would something like uMap work?

permanent link

answered 21 Apr '21, 08:58

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks, looking into this now.

(21 Apr '21, 10:09) DavidHenry

unfortunately uMap didn't work for us.

(21 Apr '21, 17:55) DavidHenry

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question asked: 20 Apr '21, 19:31

question was seen: 2,066 times

last updated: 21 Apr '21, 18:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum