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There are several pubs locally with parking with ANPR and you give the pub your registration if you're a customer or you can pay to park through some app. Is this taggable? Some combination of perhaps, but I couldn't figure out what, or I wondered about access=public fee=yes fee:customers=no

asked 19 Apr '21, 23:29

TrekClimbing's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

customers= is not a user mode for legal restrictions that's as commonly used as others yet, which is furthermore different from the vehicle modes usually tagged. parking:condition= is for parking:lane=, not amenity=parking carparks.

access=yes + fee=yes + fee:conditional=no @ (customers) may be better supported.

There's a generic payment:app=yes, and surveillance:type=ALPR for the other attributes.

permanent link

answered 20 Apr '21, 09:47

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 20 Apr '21, 09:51

The wiki suggests fee=yes + fee:conditional=no @ customer (customer in singular). Although, I personally would also have suggested customers as plural in analogy to the access value.

(20 Apr '21, 20:34) TZorn

Thank you both. I hadn't looked at the fee key wiki page. Nor had I come across anything to do with payment methods or AL/NPR.

(20 Apr '21, 21:51) TrekClimbing

@TZorn I wonder whether this is an error on the fee wiki page. The wiki page for conditional restrictions lists customers (plural) as a possible value, not customer (singular).

(21 Apr '21, 09:31) scai ♦

@scai On the page you link customers is used as a value, not as a condition. We could check if there are any other usages of customer(s) as condition or other than an access value.

(21 Apr '21, 10:03) TZorn

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question asked: 19 Apr '21, 23:29

question was seen: 1,737 times

last updated: 21 Apr '21, 10:03

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