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Often when I edit the map and a bit later look at that area on the main website, and zoom in to a lower level (closer to the ground), I see the updated tiles. But when I zoom out, those tiles in the higher levels (e.g. airplane perspective) seem to be rarely updated / rendered. How often are the higher levels updated?

I have read the question How often does the main (mapnik) map get updated and it's answer. But I think that is mostly how it works on the lower levels, and not in the higher levels when the map is zoomed out.

asked 18 Sep '11, 13:23

Jonas_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Sep '11, 17:19

You are right that the described process is not complete for all zoom levels, but there also seems to be a confusion about how low zoom level is usually referred to in OSM. The lower the number (starting from 0) the lower we call the zoom. So zooming in would be going to higher zoomlevels. The low-zoom-tiles (which show a bigger part of the earth therefore containing much more data) are rendered only from time to time in a batch-like process.

Another specialty is the coastline process, which makes changes to coastlines take much more time until the modifications actually go in the rendering.

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answered 18 Sep '11, 16:39

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Yes, I know it can be some confusion about the terminology. That's why I also wrote "zoom in" and "zoom out". But now I have updated the question to clarify ("zoom in, closer to the ground" and "zoom out, to airplane perspective").

(18 Sep '11, 17:22) Jonas_

I suggest you also update the title (lower, not higher) and change lower to higher and vice versa in the question.

(18 Sep '11, 19:41) dieterdreist

I have not changed anything, just clarified. I am talking about higher (airplane perspective) as it stands in the title. So everything is correct now.

(18 Sep '11, 20:34) Jonas_

The answer is not constant. You can see here how many tiles of a certain zoomlevel range are currently rendered in one second and how many it was in the past:

Zoom0-8 are considered "lowest" zoomlevels. In the current year there were rendered in this level an average of 3.85 metatiles per hour. There is a total of 87381 tiles = 1366 metatiles in these zoomlevels, so if the rendered areas are distributed equally you would have every tile rendered newly every 15 days. If you look at the average of this week though, it would take much longer: around 112 days. I guess the answer lies in this range.

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answered 18 Sep '11, 19:42

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

From the link it looks like the tiles in level z0-z12 is never rendered. This is a problem in my point of view.

(25 Sep '11, 12:51) Jonas_

No, they are rendered, and you can also see this from the graph. 0-8 is rendered with an average of 0.00105 metatiles per second (which is 3.78 Metatiles per hour) (statistics per year, average).

(25 Sep '11, 14:46) dieterdreist

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question asked: 18 Sep '11, 13:23

question was seen: 8,947 times

last updated: 24 Aug '13, 12:41

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