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How do I split a building into two?

A former hotel occupying two villas was converted to a single residential building (shown on the map), but then split into two separate residential dwellings, each with own house number. I should like to update the map to show this last change.

How do I make that amendment? (I have previously managed a couple of other edits, but I am still very much a newbie.)

It seems simplest to delete the feature and start again, but this is apparently blocked by the fact that there is wikidata associated with it.

In case anyone wants to look, the address is 25 and 26 (shown as 25-26) Pembridge Square, London W2.


asked 14 Apr '21, 19:46

daslondon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

reverted 14 Apr '21, 19:49

It seems you already have tried (Changeset) and stumbled upon one of ID's annoying "features" where it creates relations when you try to split features. Now it requires a bit of repairing before any other solution works. Keep that in mind when going on.

But don't worry. No major harm done.

(15 Apr '21, 09:00) TZorn

Using the JOSM editor you can select two points on the polygon then under "additional tools" (which might be a plug-in) select "split object". If there are no nodes/points where you want to do the split, then you can add them first.

I suspect that the web based iD will have some similar functionality but I don't use that editor so I can't say for sure.

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answered 14 Apr '21, 21:46

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

In iD there is no easy way of doing it. Avoid using the function to split the way as it will create a relation which is even harder to handle in iD.

Probably the easiest way of doing it is just refining the existing outline to only cover one of the building parts and change the house number. Then draw a new outline for the other half and apply the appropriate tags.

Or after refining the outline to the first building you can copy and paste outline and turn the copy into the second building. In this way you retain all the tags and just have to change the house number. But make sure the nodes of the two building parts are joined (grey not white nodes) where the building parts meet.

The whole exercise is much easier to be accomplished with JOSM which stf already has explained.

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answered 15 Apr '21, 09:35

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 14 Apr '21, 19:46

question was seen: 2,188 times

last updated: 15 Apr '21, 09:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum