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Hi, is there a way to tag the building shape of a building with hemisphere shape? I would like to map this building (Camera Obscura) with some 3D information. Here are some more information about this building: Museum on the prehistory of film, Camera Obscura, Google Maps

I have a similar problem with this building (Fernmeldeturm Mülheim-Speldorf), the tower gets thinner and thinner towards the top but does not become pointed, as it is entered so far (see here), is there a tag where you can specify the diameter at the top and bottom or something similar?

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Gebäudeform eines Gebäudes mit Halbkugelform zu kennzeichnen? Ich möchte dieses Gebäude (Camera Obscura) mit einigen 3D-Informationen abbilden. Hier fidedt man noch weiter Informationen über das Gebäude: Museum zur Vorgeschichte des Films, Camera Obscura, Google Maps

Bei diesem Gebäude (Fernmeldeturm Mülheim-Speldorf) habe ich ein ähnliches Problem, der Turm wird nach oben hin immer dünner, wird aber nicht spitzt, so wie es bisher eingetragen ist (wie hier zusehen) gibt es einen Tag, bei dem man den Durchmesser oben und unten angeben kann oder etwas ähnliches?

asked 11 Apr '21, 11:46

MSmolarz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is a tags for domed roofs (roof:shape=dome).

The roof tables page also mentions spherical_cutted but I suspect this is less likely to be correctly interpreted even if it is more specific.

If your other example related just the the roof it would require two building:part areas to describe the shape adequately: one way for the central dome and a multipolygon for the surrounding cone. I'm not sure we have a method of describing buildings with angled walls that are distinct from the roof.

Note that there is also a pretty rare camera obscura tag in use in the UK.

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answered 11 Apr '21, 18:33

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 11 Apr '21, 11:46

question was seen: 1,077 times

last updated: 11 Apr '21, 18:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum