Hi, is there an osm map for canoe and kayak tours? Such a map must display weirs for example. Thanks Stefan |
The question sounded like a place and confused me. In English it's spelt canoe/kayak. OpenStreetMap.org does display weirs if they are mapped, example of weirs on the River Wear (grey dotted lines). OpenSeaMap is said to display a whitewater chart if you use the menu View->Sport. However that didn't show when I looked at the example spot. There is some effort to map whitewater elements, but no online maps of the data currently. |
Beg your pardon - I didn't translate kanu / kajak to English ... That's my experience, too: Weirs are mapped on OSM, but there's no map to diplay them for planning canoe & kayak tours. That's the map or overlay I'm looking for. |
What sort of map do you want? A website? An app (and if so for what)? Something you can install on a Garmin handheld?
At frist, that doesn't matter. I'ld like to study the map to plan my tours.