I want to map collectives garden in my area. These are gardens cultivated collectively by a group of people from a community center. I wanted to use the tag landuse=allotments, but its wiki page says that this tag is for gardens that are allocated to single individuals. What tag should I use for my collective gardens? |
I would say a new tag is needed for the UK, for areas covered by Allotment Acts. The last was in 1951, and is still in force, as well as parts from a 1923 Act. One of its provisions is that, other things being equal, if a local authority allows allotments to be built on, it has a statutory duty to find an equal area elsewhere. There are also more or less standard terms and conditions for allotment tenancies, based in the English Law concept of a licence to occupy. Anyone who wants to read more of my related thoughts on the need to distinguish between clearly defined 'Allotments' and the very vague concept (here) of community gardens can read more here :) I'm unclear on why a new tag would be necessary. Generally, OSM documents what is there and how it is used, not why it is there. Could you clarify the distinction you have in mind, and how it would apply to the rest of the world? (And actually, it might be even better to bring up your thoughts on the tagging list: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging)
(30 Dec '13, 16:02)
I would recommend landuse=allotments, then more info through a description tag, or subtagging of some kind (maybe operator?) if you want to specify that there aren't individual plots. "Allotments" is a British term with specific connotations, but I think in OSM, it's being used for any sort of community garden, whether divided up or worked communally. (Happy to be proven wrong. If it is only used for gardens with individual plots, then we probably need a new tag) |
I'm a newbie as of a few minutes ago, but for the project I have in mind, which is to move from using a Google Map for a web site I did a while back for allotments in the London Borough of Bromley, I'd want to use a tag such as garden:type=allotment since'allotment' is the word wanted, with a very precise meaning here in the UK, which means something like community garden, or leisure garden, or kleingarten in Germany, but is not one of those. Sorry guys - just found landuse=allotments which is exactly what I need :) Allotments are very popular for example here in Germany: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleingarten
(27 Dec '13, 16:16)
If it's useful for your case, there is also allotments=plot, which is an approved (though largely unused) tag for the plots within an area of allotments: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:allotments%3Dplot
(27 Dec '13, 17:17)
I was wondering this, too. Community gardens are not really leisure, and maybe should be considered land-use. I'm tagging as leisure=garden, and garden:type=community for now. |
See this proposal on the wiki : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Garden_specification Althougth the proposal has a status 'abandonned', you should interpret it more as 'inactive'. But it does not mean that your are not allowed to use it if there is no better proposal. I re-enabled this feature proposal and feel free to add your comments there or just use it (of course, it is always better if you promote the tags you are using). |
seen this? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Garden_specification
I had seen it, but : - The proposal is abandonned - This is a new sub-tag for leisure=garden areas. These collective gardens are for growing vegetables, not for leisure. - (less a argument) : I like the way allotments render in mapnik : having a different color from parks is a good thing.