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I'm working on a regional out-and-back (i.e. a straight line) cycling route relation that is over 100 miles long. The issue is that the route goes around a one-way traffic circle, and a different half of the circle is used depending on navigation direction.

Is there a way to map this properly without duplicating the entire route?

asked 03 Apr '21, 04:27

Joel%20Amos's gravatar image

Joel Amos
accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Apr '21, 04:29

Hi Joel Amos, yes there is a way to do that and also for more complicated situations. Keep in mind that the "forward" and "backward" roles are related to the direction in which the ways are drawn :

The principle :

A more complicated example :

The relation Editor from Josm :

permanent link

answered 03 Apr '21, 08:50

Gys%20de%20Jongh's gravatar image

Gys de Jongh
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for the links! The first example in the first link is my case. How does navigation software know not to go fully around the roundabout? Edit: I suppose you could detect loops (how JOSM does) and make sure to navigate out. Do you know of any software for navigating route relations?

(03 Apr '21, 16:00) Joel Amos

Routers know not to go against a one-way flow. You can map 'forward' and 'reverse' roles for correctness, but any halfway competent router will get it right anyway. Several routers use route relations as an influence on their weighting - (my site!) certainly does and there are others.

(03 Apr '21, 20:12) Richard ♦

Note that in the case of a roundabout, it would be possible to properly honor one-way restrictions, yet incorrectly navigate around the entire roundabout instead of exiting halfway. That's the case I was trying to avoid, but it's only really a concern if navigating strictly via a route relation.

(03 Apr '21, 21:48) Joel Amos

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question asked: 03 Apr '21, 04:27

question was seen: 1,192 times

last updated: 03 Apr '21, 21:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum