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Hi - I'm wondering how to undo or delete what you've posted. I have accidentally set up a stretch of coast via JOSM so it is doubled up by nodes. I use Ortho4xp to get OSM data and load maps in XP11 and there O4XP says "Coastline abruptly stops at" so it does not work - everything becomes land even the sea. How to make it easiest to delete everything you have uploaded to OSM and return to 0.

This is the area...and my change name is Andromeda64.

asked 02 Apr '21, 13:20

Mikael's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Apr '21, 12:24

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

Can you link to the area concerned? If you do that, people will be able suggest whether it's really a problem with the data, or with what's processing the data.

(02 Apr '21, 13:35) SomeoneElse ♦

This is the area...and my change name is Andromeda64.

(02 Apr '21, 14:30) Mikael

Thanks - I see someone has commented there now offering to help revert.

(02 Apr '21, 21:48) SomeoneElse ♦

It sounds good - hope that everything turned out as it was before now then. I should not just step in too fast and change things I do not know anything about.

(02 Apr '21, 22:42) Mikael

Hi Mikael, I repaired the area for you. It's possible that there are still some artifacts from all the reverts but I cleaned up what I could and the coastline looks ok now.

(02 Apr '21, 23:56) Jeff Underwood

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me fix everything. I will try to take home the same area again and see if it works in Ortho4xp to make a map that works in XP11 now.

(03 Apr '21, 05:34) Mikael

I fly xp11 and use Ortho4xp files to get a nicer landscape to fly over. I go in and change the OSM files "off line" in JOSM, improve islands and bridges and such. It so happened that the entire map I downloaded from OSM and changed a bit was uploaded again in JOSM, I thought it would be better if everyone could take part in my changes and next time Ortho4xp wants the same map for me, find everything online in OSM.. The coastline then became double and slightly changed and Ortho4xp could not use it again. Maybe it's better to change directly in or maybe just change in the OSM file Ortho4xp generates offline for the game. Thanks.

(03 Apr '21, 06:29) Mikael
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments


Hi Mikael, Is not there an undo button on yur editor, if so keep busy untill your goal has been reached. Or a more complex way if you have saved or upkoaded, try to revert your chane set.

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answered 02 Apr '21, 13:31

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


Hi Hendrikklaas - I'm sure that you meant well, but I don't think that that answer actually helps.

(02 Apr '21, 13:36) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 02 Apr '21, 13:20

question was seen: 1,212 times

last updated: 03 Apr '21, 12:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum