Is there any way to draw curves (e.g. Bézier curves) on Open Street Map or is straight lines the only way to draw paths? |
The only way to draw curves in the OpenStreetMap data model is using many short straight sections. You can't draw true curves such as Béziers. This is a deliberate design choice to keep the data model as simple as possible. You may be able to convert OpenStreetMap data to true curves after exporting it to a graphics or GIS package, but that would require extra work on your part. 2
Note that some renderers, for example osmarender, smoothe the angles more than mapnik, making them look curvyer.
(16 Sep '11, 18:30)
Vincent de P... ♦
These sidewalks near my house seem to be rendered as bezier-like curves. In the ID editor, they are straight lines with right angles. 1
The cyclemap layer does attempt to render paths as curves. But because OSM itself does not actually support curves in the data, the renderer has to guess – which it does extremely aggressively, as your map shows.
(26 Mar '19, 20:22)