Hi Ive searched for a tag or desciption of a blinded fence. The chain_link fence got an extra textile or composite sheet, to prevent looks into the premisses. How to tag or which key should I use ? |
Hi, I've seen some of these. It's called slatted or preslatted. I think slatted is a chain link fence with slats added to it, preslatted looks like a ready made chain link fence with slats incorporated. So the fence is a combination of chain link and slats, probably a good tag is fence_type=chain_link,slatted. For information and pictures https://swwire.com/preslatted-chain-link-fence/ and http://fitzpatrickfenceandrail.com/slatted-chain-link-fence/ Slatted also refers to a common type of wooden fence. Oddly enough I've been trying to document some of these on the wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:fence_type#Other_types_of_wooden_fences. I think the OP might be refering to the type of fence around, for instance, airport perimeters (seen on left here https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=51.479346495499996&lng=-0.4286316636&z=17&focus=photo&pKey=Ii4nU1FVsWydmsYYZshkew)
(26 Mar '21, 11:38)
SK53 ♦
Hi, this is the first I wanted to add, but there are more of those. Just to block foreign views on the premisses. Just to make it private :-( As non speaking English makes slatted ? But I will look into it, keeping in mind that slatted is IMHO not the right tag for a synthetic fabric, I use to choose composite for all the fabrics of a sturdy format.
(26 Mar '21, 17:58)
A picture would be nice...