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I like to micromap driveways for several reasons.

A user has questioned whether it is correct to 'glue' the driveway to the edge of the landuse as I have done here. They have suggested I should instead end the driveway at the intersecting footpath (sidewalk). My view is that:

  1. Their approach doesn't work where there is no footpath
  2. Their approach wrongly implies that the driveway terminates before it reaches the landuse, when in fact it meets the landuse
  3. My approach leaves the map merely incomplete, not incorrect. Another user with more time on their hands can come along later and map the rest of the driveway when they micromap the building or landuse or lot.

(Note that where a driveway leads to a notable or navigable feature, like a car park - i.e. something other than a building or private garage - then of course I would map the whole driveway beyond the edge of the landuse.)

Which approach is correct? Can driveways terminate at the edge of the landuse, or must they terminate either before or beyond the edge?

asked 25 Mar '21, 03:57

osmowm87's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Mar '21, 04:00

I wouldn't say what you're doing is wrong, however with driveways such as which clearly lead far into the landuse, making them stop at the landuse boundary isn't what I would have done; I would have set the end node further inside the landuse which would have cost me zero additional work and create a more accurate picture. Just as you argue that "their approach wrongly implies that the driveway terminates before it reaches the landuse", I could claim that "your approach wrongly implies that the driveway terminates when it reaches the landuse".

Your claim that "their approach is wrong while yours is merely incomplete" does not hold water; both approaches have the driveway terminate at an arbitrary point well before its actual end, and therefore both approaches are equally "wrong" or equally "incomplete".

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answered 25 Mar '21, 07:50

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 25 Mar '21, 03:57

question was seen: 1,027 times

last updated: 25 Mar '21, 07:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum