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I'm setting up some property boundaries for a non-profit organization. I'm getting inconsistent displays on some of my efforts.

If you search for "Rae Letsinger Prairie", the display on OSM is exactly how I want it to be. The name displays on a light green shaded area that defines the boundary.

If you search for "Carver Prairie" or "Noah's Brown Prairie", they are not displayed that way. In fact, you can only see the boundary if you click on the search link and then it looks like it's in edit mode.

I checked my edits and they seem to be exactly the same. What can I do to get these properties to look like Rae Letsinger Prairie?

Thank you!


asked 24 Mar '21, 21:14

Brian%20Edmond's gravatar image

Brian Edmond
accept rate: 0%

It is probably just a timing issue; sometimes it takes a while for the map to update after you upload.

Please understand that in OSM you are expected to describe reality as good as possible, independent of how it will appear on the map. There are certain assumptions that go along with marking something as a "park". Our wiki says: "A park is an area of open space for recreational use, usually designed and in semi-natural state with grassy areas, trees and bushes. Parks are usually urban, but not always; there are some rural parks..." - it is possible that upon closer inspection, your "Rea Letsinger Prairie" is not what we would call a "park" but something else , and that the tags are changed, leading to a different map display.

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answered 24 Mar '21, 23:06

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for the answer. You're right about the "park" designation. I originally had them marked as "nature reserves" (which is more accurate) but had trouble adding them to the map. I changed them back upon your suggestion.

However, note that this is still a problem. Surely the map has had time to update by now. Another example is "Noah Brown's Prairie". "Carver Prairie" is partially shown but NBP isn't showing up at all until I click on the link.

Any ideas?

(30 Mar '21, 20:32) Brian Edmond

For me, NBP at shows as a green outline with a label in the middle, on zoom levels 13 and up. Try shift-reload if it doesn't show for you!

(30 Mar '21, 20:38) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 24 Mar '21, 21:14

question was seen: 1,279 times

last updated: 30 Mar '21, 20:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum