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I try to customize my own carto style. I try to reduce building names in my city only to the most important ones. I've found in style/addressing.mss part:

    #building-text {

[zoom >= 14][way_pixels > 3000],
[zoom >= 17] {
text-name: "[name]";
text-face-name: @book-fonts;
text-fill: #444;
text-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius;
text-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
text-size: 11;
text-wrap-width: 22; // 2.0 em
text-line-spacing: -1.65; // -0.15 em
(I cannot format that properly)

And by manipulating that values I can see that building names change and it's fine. What I'm wondering can I use that styling only to some groups/tags? In example to use that style only for building: train_station and not use in example for building: commercial. Or Can I use that attribute for building: train_station or building: yes (I don't have another examples, just wondering if the OR is possible).

I tried to find this in carto documentation pdf, but I couldn't find anything which at least aimed me to the solution.

asked 24 Mar '21, 12:48

engopy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I tested to add [building = 'train_station'] inside curly braces, but from Kosmtik I received some SQL exception with some SELECT query. Looked at that query I figured out that maybe building attribute is not selecting from DB, so I tried to use name like: [name = 'Dworzec PKP Gliwice'] and indeed only that building is labeled. But I'm looking for some more general solution, not selecting them by name which is very specific for concrete building.

(24 Mar '21, 13:10) engopy

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question asked: 24 Mar '21, 12:48

question was seen: 832 times

last updated: 24 Mar '21, 13:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum