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How do I tag this object which serves as the entrance of a village? I'm considering city gate or height restrictor, but none seems a good fit.

the object to be tagged

asked 24 Mar '21, 09:17

miklcct's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What is the purpose of the arch? Just information? Does it imply any legal restrictions (e.g. speed limit hereafter)?

(24 Mar '21, 09:30) TZorn

These may be worth a dedicated tag: see also this question for one in Milwaukee.

(27 Mar '21, 14:47) InsertUser

@TZorn They are more decorative and cultural (including traditions and fung shui), than informational. No legal status (not necessarily the legal indiginous village boundary either in most cases).

(28 Mar '21, 09:43) Kovoschiz

hi. we're talking about something related, in the new community site:

(30 Aug '22, 20:02) mariotomo

I think this might be considered an elaborate form of traffic_sign=city_limit and or man_made=gantry.

There is also a set of tags for welcome signs tourism=information with information=board and board_type=welcome_sign.

Tagging the clear height beneath it may also be useful for some routers.

A combination of some or all of these on a node on the road may adequately capture the meaning, but an additional short description may not be a bad idea.

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answered 27 Mar '21, 15:07

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

"Welcome signs" are usually different from these. They are symbolic marks of a rural settlement area (a few are village clusters) front, not a =city_limit legally and functionally here. As linked by you, similar ones can be for facilities, and also housing estates.

(28 Mar '21, 09:51) Kovoschiz

@miklcct The term "gateway" has popped up in some previous discussion. tourism=gateway is one suggestion. These are easier ones, not being a pai fong or pai lau.

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answered 28 Mar '21, 09:38

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 28 Mar '21, 09:39

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question asked: 24 Mar '21, 09:17

question was seen: 2,467 times

last updated: 30 Aug '22, 20:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum