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Hi. I am experiencing challenges querying buildings on a campus via overpass with

area[name='Cape Peninsula University of Technology (Bellville Campus)']->.a;
    // I want all buildings

    // plus every building:part
  // and multipolygon relation ¬ to represent buildings with courtyards correctly
  // excluding buildings with relation type=building role=outline ¬ I want to correct form/height of the part
    // for every way in the input set select the relations of which it is an "outline" member
    // back to the ways with role "outline"
out body;
out skel qt;

three buildings are not being harvested correctly, and are building:parts with a courtyard (multipolygon relation role=inner) that exist within an outline type=building relation which contain the same courtyard. (i.e.: the courtyard is inside a building:part and the role=outer is coming with the query even though I’ve excluded the outline).

I want the form/shape and height of the building:part and not the outline; while being mindful of every other structure on the campus. How do I exclude the relation type=multipolygon role=outer when type=building role=outline already exists for a structure? Have I created the relations incorrectly? Your help is appreciated.

asked 22 Mar '21, 07:24

arkriger's gravatar image

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It is now obvious the fault lies with how I tagged these features.

If we focus on Relation: 12469713 I don't know where the relation type=building role=outline goes.

I don't know.

(07 Aug '21, 16:38) arkriger

building:part multipolygon relations were not accounted for - when a building:part has a courtyard.

adding: relation["building:part"]["type"="multipolygon"](area.a); to the query (line 10) fixes it.

(31 Aug '21, 16:13) arkriger

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question asked: 22 Mar '21, 07:24

question was seen: 2,168 times

last updated: 31 Aug '21, 16:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum