I'm extracting city streets by osm relation and ways. In common case street consists of relation as street which includes a list of its child way (or ways) as street. Both the relation as street and its way as street can be tagged with name. My guess was that the name tag of relation as street has more higher priority then the name tag of its child way. But it looks like it is not a correct assumption. Example: relation 3431740 tagged with "Дзержинського вулиця" as name, and its child way 147405229 tagged with "Благодатний провулок" as name and on the map I see the street name as "Благодатний провулок". So my question is: Which way does the Osm define the name of the street if there are alternatives? |
A relation with The longstanding standard is that the name of a street is in the I see, thanks
(19 Mar '21, 19:34)
Also associatedStreet relations can be used to define addr:parentstreet (as this tag has only recently been proposed), so you could have <street name=""> on the ways and <parent street="" name=""> on the relation.
(20 Mar '21, 16:12)
SK53 ♦