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I have forked openstreetmap-carto project and create my own tile style.
I try to enlarge street name for specific zoom, but it seems that max pixel value of text-size: is around 20 (I write 'around' because it's hard to see differences between 1 or 2 pixels height).
I thought maybe road width value is a "top border" which limits size, but even if I increase that value, street name stays the same.
I edit pure .mss styles files, and I didn't find anything related to this limitations.

What I tried is:
[zoom >= 19] { text-size: 23; }
Is it some global limitation of Mapnik or it may be related to other values?

asked 16 Mar '21, 17:00

engopy's gravatar image

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question asked: 16 Mar '21, 17:00

question was seen: 856 times

last updated: 16 Mar '21, 17:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum