Hi, first time using OSM Help, and a newbie OSM user overall - please be gentle :) I have modified the station building around the Praterstern area in Vienna since a new building was added recently and have added these two buildings: However, they do not render on any of the maps - I had hoped giving them |
I guess the problem is that pedestrian area is always rendered on top of buildings, so you need to make a hole in this area: 2
I detached this comment from Kocio's other answer as I believe it warrants a more prominent place here.
(16 Mar '21, 14:54)
Hey, I tried it - I hope making the hole worked correctly :/
(17 Mar '21, 12:28)
This relation is unchanged, it's still in version #13 from 30 days ago. Which editor are you using, iD? Then look at https://learnosm.org/en/beginner/id-editor/#drawing-multipolygons please.
(17 Mar '21, 12:38)
Thanks, I think I fixed it on Friday. I'm pretty certain the pedestrian area is the problem so I marked your answer as correct, maybe I did something wrong with the multipolygons. I'll open a new question about the polygon
(22 Mar '21, 10:25)
The osm.org slippy map takes a while to render the new elements after they have been added to the database. However, you can try to clean the browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+R or Cmd+Shift+R on MacOS) and the building should show up. Do you see them? I just opened the page in a new browser, and cleared my cache in my regular browser. Plus, I made the change almost a month ago, I think the cache would've expired by now...
(16 Mar '21, 10:53)
No, I can't, but I see the website is pretty low this morning. I can see that on CycleOSM they are rendered and in all the others map styles, even if they are hard to see.
(16 Mar '21, 10:58)