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Hi everyone,

I am performing an analysis where I calculate HH density for thousands of villages per residential area. I use OSM data (shapefiles from Geofabrik but while for the majority of villages "residential" landuse is registered well, there are hundreds where OSM has gaps and doesnt register any residential landuse.

I am trying to come up with a solution that could help me fill the missing gaps. I have found which corrects OSM's gaps but it doesnt seem to allow for bulk export.

When I do spotchecks on OSM, it appears like OSM registers "village area" which is albeit less accurate than residential landuse but these appear as blank areas in exported OSM data. For example, on this link the villages of "Stupno" and "Bezdekov" have residential area registered (darker shade of grey) while "Brezina" is registered with light shade of grey - is it possible to get the area of this light shade grey or is this indeed land area with no tag?

Let me know if you can think of other workarounds.

Thank you!

asked 15 Mar '21, 06:43

Jay-J6's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you both for your answers - it does sound like there are no options to solve this with a reasonably quick fix. I am just surprised I havent found more people struggling with this issue but thanks!

(16 Mar '21, 06:40) Jay-J6

@Jay-J6: somewhere I have data for Europe (which will be outdated as based on 2016 mapping), unfortunately I only loaded the Americas and Oceania to github (

(16 Mar '21, 12:41) SK53 ♦

You guessed correctly about the difference between those villages. There are landuse=residential polygons for the first two you mentioned, for example . No landuse is specified for Brezina. It's a little surprising in this particular area, as there is a lot of detailed mapping of farmland, forest, and other residential areas. In some other parts of the world, landuse mapping is much less complete so this would be more common.

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answered 15 Mar '21, 15:52

alan_gr's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

You cannot rely on landuse=residential as a proxy for urban areas or even that it has been mapped.

The style of mapping landuse=residential varies from place to place (some use it solely for the boundaries of residential properties, others will use it for a whole village). There are a range of techniques available to generate more complete urban areas from OSM data: I discussed a few of them in a series of blog posts written some years ago.

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answered 15 Mar '21, 16:51

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 15 Mar '21, 06:43

question was seen: 1,405 times

last updated: 16 Mar '21, 12:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum