With land use descriptions I sometimes want to map a large area of concrete or asphalt as ‘hardstanding’ but this term is not recognised in OSM. For example in dock marshalling areas, disused parade grounds, former car parks or runways. But the closest I find is to tag as ‘airport apron’ or ‘industrial area’ but this rarely fits the situation. Any help or advice appreciated. I don’t have a particular example right now. |
The surface itself can be tagged using the Disused amenities can be tagged as for normal amenities with the appropriate lifecycle prefix. I'm not sure we have a tag for marshalling areas outside of railways, it may be reasonable to consider them subtypes of parking or service roads but I'm not very familiar with logistical tagging). (Assuming you mean areas to serve loading dock rather than quays.) Thanks for your comment, very helpful.
(16 Mar '21, 23:18)
highway=service + area=yes (or perhaps better area:highway=service) with surface tag will cover quite a lot of these. landuse=depot may be valuable in other cases (but not really for dock areas which are basically special cases of warehousing).
(17 Mar '21, 13:13)
SK53 ♦
I came across this exact issue when I wanted to map assembly areas or hardstandings in schools a couple of months back. My search took to me to the famous Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy. How is it tagged? That place is basically a huge open hardstanding. My takeaway from the visit are these tags. area=yes highway=pedestrian name=Hardstanding surface=concrete These tags can be used for any open areas with many type of surfaces. These are now my usual tags for a school assembly area. 1
The Piazza San Marco is not hardstanding in any usual use of the word in english: it usually refers to a place where vehicles can be parked or manoevered and the surface is hard to avoid problems in wet weather. large pedestrian piazzas are something else entirely.
(17 Mar '21, 13:11)
SK53 ♦
Hi retselkim, what about disused:amenity or leisure= and so on ? The disused:amenity=parking get some tags and extra surface=asphalt and lit=yes for instance. The ways get their own tags as width, surface or directions, fi one-way. |