I have downloaded and configured openstreetmap-tile-server from github repository which is just great and works fine with my map. |
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I have downloaded and configured openstreetmap-tile-server from github repository which is just great and works fine with my map. |
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question asked: 09 Mar '21, 12:17
question was seen: 3,264 times
last updated: 16 Mar '21, 16:51
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
There are a bunch of questions over at that github repository already - https://github.com/Overv/openstreetmap-tile-server/search?q=style&type=issues - do any of those help?
In particular https://github.com/Overv/openstreetmap-tile-server/issues/152 suggests a couple of options.
After studying dockerfile I understand I need to generate mapnik.xml with carto and it is fine.
What is curious for me is- how to know which file (form repository I listed in post) should I convert with carto into mapnik.xml? There is no
- in fact there is no .mml file at all. I found filepiano.yml
which looks like good candidate to be converted but the extension is .yml and it is confusing. I found some of other repositories with no .mml files.I know I could ask on all repositories separately, but I gues it's a newbie question and it can be obvious for users here.
If the file lists the layers, it's the right one. https://github.com/tilery/pianoforte/blob/master/piano.yml is indeed the right one.
See laso: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/65257/how-to-convert-yml-to-mml-file
At the end I have forked openstreetmap-carto repository and with kosmtik I've edited official style to my custom. Than during build OSM docker image I've changed style download path to my repository. It works fine.