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I have downloaded and configured openstreetmap-tile-server from github repository which is just great and works fine with my map.
I would like to test different style insead of gravitystorm's. I checked the dockerfile and made research over internet to understand how this server works behind the scene.
What I found - that server install and uses carto to export gravitystorms project.mml into readable mapnik.xml for Mapnik application.
But I have found different interesting style which I would like to use with current image.
What I understand by README file- this is whole application to serve tiles, but I would like to get only CSSes styles as it's written in dockerfile with downloading gravitystorm's style. Is it possible to extract CSS styles?

asked 09 Mar '21, 12:17

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There are a bunch of questions over at that github repository already - - do any of those help?

In particular suggests a couple of options.

(09 Mar '21, 12:31) SomeoneElse ♦

After studying dockerfile I understand I need to generate mapnik.xml with carto and it is fine.

What is curious for me is- how to know which file (form repository I listed in post) should I convert with carto into mapnik.xml? There is no project.mml - in fact there is no .mml file at all. I found file piano.yml which looks like good candidate to be converted but the extension is .yml and it is confusing. I found some of other repositories with no .mml files.

I know I could ask on all repositories separately, but I gues it's a newbie question and it can be obvious for users here.

(09 Mar '21, 13:00) engopy

If the file lists the layers, it's the right one. is indeed the right one.

(15 Mar '21, 20:32) Marcos Dione

At the end I have forked openstreetmap-carto repository and with kosmtik I've edited official style to my custom. Than during build OSM docker image I've changed style download path to my repository. It works fine.

(16 Mar '21, 16:51) engopy

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question asked: 09 Mar '21, 12:17

question was seen: 3,264 times

last updated: 16 Mar '21, 16:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum