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i am using edge all updates and windows 10 newest version all updates. i also can't see it on newest firefox for android 8.0 on LG G5

at the bottom of the page there are locations marked i want to drive there and plan the route to find a place for parking.

asked 08 Mar '21, 15:02

faheuald's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You're trying to load some tiles from Mapbox and they're giving you a 410 error:

[HTTP/1.1 410 Gone 150ms]

You need to talk to Mapbox and ask them why the URL that you are using is not valid.

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answered 08 Mar '21, 16:29

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Suspecting that faheuald ist just a visitor of the website and not its operator I would suggest to him to contact Uni München and ask them to fix the problem pointing them to SomeoneElse's answer.

(08 Mar '21, 16:56) TZorn

it's working now

(16 May '22, 18:05) faheuald

ok now this is working

but this is not

down the page. scrolling with mousewheel doesn't work, only plus and minus in the left corner and double click for zooming. my trick is to hold shift-key and press and hold the left mousekey to make a square and play with the plus and minus in the corner. problem, i can't move the map.

on the smartphone firefox for android, which is more useful more daily use (right now i use a windows pc but for maps like maps based on openstreetmap and leaflet, i use smartphones) i can move the map with two thumbs.

leaflet validate, openstreetmap leaflet, leaflet forum, stundentendrucker validieren, validierung, studentencard validieren, semestercard validieren studentenkarte semesterkarte faheuald, validierung lmu, lmu mensa

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answered 05 Nov '22, 18:18

faheuald's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Nov '22, 18:21

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question asked: 08 Mar '21, 15:02

question was seen: 1,424 times

last updated: 05 Nov '22, 18:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum