i am using edge all updates and windows 10 newest version all updates. i also can't see it on newest firefox for android 8.0 on LG G5 https://www.it-servicedesk.uni-muenchen.de/lmucard/index.html at the bottom of the page there are locations marked i want to drive there and plan the route to find a place for parking. |
You're trying to load some tiles from Mapbox and they're giving you a 410 error:
You need to talk to Mapbox and ask them why the URL that you are using is not valid. 3
Suspecting that faheuald ist just a visitor of the website and not its operator I would suggest to him to contact Uni München and ask them to fix the problem pointing them to SomeoneElse's answer.
(08 Mar '21, 16:56)
ok now this is working https://www.it-servicedesk.uni-muenchen.de/lmucard/index.html but this is not https://www.studentenwerk-muenchen.de/mensa/standorte-und-oeffnungszeiten/muenchen/ down the page. scrolling with mousewheel doesn't work, only plus and minus in the left corner and double click for zooming. my trick is to hold shift-key and press and hold the left mousekey to make a square and play with the plus and minus in the corner. problem, i can't move the map. on the smartphone firefox for android, which is more useful more daily use (right now i use a windows pc but for maps like maps based on openstreetmap and leaflet, i use smartphones) i can move the map with two thumbs. leaflet validate, openstreetmap leaflet, leaflet forum, stundentendrucker validieren, validierung, studentencard validieren, semestercard validieren studentenkarte semesterkarte https://www.it-servicedesk.uni-muenchen.de/lmucard/index.html faheuald, validierung lmu, lmu mensa |