Hello, I know, I can find my changes, using https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/mjost/history - nice. Now I get a looot of them, because StreetComplete (SC) pushes one changeset per (trivial) change. I'm afraid I spoofed a bunch of quests for building types. (Another story to be told) SC uploads these with "Add building types" as comment. So how can I find my changes, with that comment, so I could review ? |
OSMCha might be useful for this. Have a go with the filters and see if that works for you. Another option is the generic changeset download script in "osm-revert-scripts" that downloads all changesets for a user back to a certain point in time. You can then just search for whatever you want in the changeset XML. Despite this script being iin "osm-revert-scripts" I'm not suggesting that you revert your changes of course - just download them to search through them. It's fairly simple to modify it to look at the actual changeset XML (which includes the comment) instead of the osmchange XML (i.e. the changes to the objects) as well. |
Compare https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/79161/what-building-tag-to-use for my problem.
As a side note: You wrote "StreetComplete (SC) pushes one changeset per (trivial) change". That should not be the case. Usually, SC opens a changeset per quest and then adds each subsequent change to the already open changeset. Only when you do not make new changes within 20 minutes the changeset will be closed. Is that not the case for you?
"SC opens a changeset per quest and then adds each subsequent change to the already open changeset."
No, to me it seems, it does one Changeset per quest Here is an example from yesterday: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/mjost/history
Add whether way is lit Geschlossen vor ca. 12 Stunden · #100584682
Add road lanes Geschlossen vor ca. 12 Stunden · #100584681
Add whether there are cycleways Geschlossen vor ca. 12 Stunden · #100584678
Add housenumbers Geschlossen vor ca. 13 Stunden · #100584432 ????????????
Determine place names Geschlossen vor ca. 12 Stunden · #100583640
Add opening hours Geschlossen vor ca. 12 Stunden · #100583588
Add building types Geschlossen vor ca. 13 Stunden · #100583029 ???????????? ....
Funnily I now see, that most changes are 12 h in the past, while two in between claim 13 hours ... ????????
Do I need to fiddle some SC setting ? Is this considered good or bad "style" ?
It is exactly as TZorn explained. Take your changeset https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/100583640 ("Determine place names") for example. It contains edits for multiple POIs. SC creates a changeset per quest type. This is considered good style.
Ufff... thanks ! Didn't realize that - I had been thinking I'm now flooding the DB....