I have a custom road network in shapefile format that contains two columns "source" and "target". These columns contain an id number referring to the start and end points of the lines. Using ogr2osm I converted this shapefile succesfully to .osm format. In order to make sure that the node id's in this .osm file correspond to the id's in the source and target columns from the shapefile, I used a translation.py file to accomplish this. However, opening the file in JOSM returns the following error:
Does anyone have an idea how to prevent this from happening so that I can open and inspect the file in JOSM? |
Any OSM primitive (node, way, relation) needs to have these attributes:
If all you want is to open the file in JOSM, you can set uid, changeset, version, and user all to "1", and for timestamp you can put "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z". Maybe you can add that to one of the scripts you're massaging the data with anyway. |
It would help to know where your file came from.
I updated my question, please have a look