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Hi all,

This bridge

won't allow a cycling or walking route to be planned over it, despite it being part of the NCN 33 route.

I've tried changing the properties of it (it didn't have cycling as an allowed access before)

But it still won't work as desired on a route planner and routes divert around it.

I would appreciate any wisdom that you can share as I am new to this.



asked 25 Feb '21, 08:31

Jim%20Karthauser's gravatar image

Jim Karthauser
accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Mar '21, 12:08

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Thanks for your help all. I am using the Strava route planner which AFAIK takes its date from OSM.

I have reached out to them.

(25 Feb '21, 12:21) Jim Karthauser

it still won't work as desired on a route planner

Route-planners take their updates from OSM at their own pace, ranging from days to months.

Calculating routes is a complex process and often requires many hours of pre-processing. As an example, (my site) takes around 30 hours to calculate a routing update for Europe including the UK; this is a process that runs once a month.

The routing providers on generally update every day or so, but these are generally less sophisticated than other, third-party OSM-based routers.

If you say which route-planner you're using then people can maybe help further.

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answered 25 Feb '21, 10:50

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

It works on OSM now. You were too impatient. For the OSRM routing on, tells you which timestamp the routing data is from.

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answered 25 Feb '21, 08:43

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I made the change two days ago, and I checked if it was still broken just before making this post. It still doesn't work for me.

(25 Feb '21, 08:52) Jim Karthauser
(25 Feb '21, 09:16) Frederik Ramm ♦

As I said in a comment above, the routing works fine with OSRM, no need to twiddle with height or layers, they don't affect OSRM and shouldn't affect any other router either.

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answered 25 Feb '21, 09:48

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

This is what Strava said. A cop out, if you ask me.

Hi Jim,

Strava utilizes OpenStreetMap, an open-source project of geographical data for the entire world, alongside our own heat/popularity and other unique data, to help inform routing decisions. If you are experiencing a routing error, you can help the Strava community by contributing the edit to OpenStreetMap. Please visit our KB article for instructions for more information.

There are certain aspects of routing for which we do augment the OSM-derived map with our own data. It is a challenging problem that we don't anticipate having a quick solution to, but will definitely surface to athletes when we do address it.

We work with a company called Mapbox to provide most of the actual maps that athletes see, including those that are used to draw and display Routes. You can read more about what goes into those maps here. Like Strava, Mapbox uses OSM, though the rate of ingestion of new changes in OSM does not always line up between the two. This means that what you may see on the maps (from Mapbox) may be slightly different than what actually gets drawn when you attempt to make a Route inside Strava, especially for very recent OSM changes.

OSM relies on many contributors, not just yours. In addition, OSM and Mapbox are just some of the data sources that Strava integrates. As a result, changes you make may not be reflected exactly the way you may expect them on Strava.

Best, Sven Strava Support Team For more information on Strava's response to COVID-19 please see our message to our athletes:

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answered 03 Mar '21, 11:17

Jim%20Karthauser's gravatar image

Jim Karthauser
accept rate: 0%

For info, I've asked over at about that message (that's a Slack server run by OSM-US rather than OSMF; both Strava and Mapbox are based over there).

(03 Mar '21, 13:14) SomeoneElse ♦

This looks to be a form response, so bad customer support. They should state their update frequency. As an aside, one nice thing about Strava's routing software is that you an manually add routing when the automated routing doesn't work. Click on the "Use manual mode" on the left hand side and click away freestyle on the map.

(03 Mar '21, 13:36) jumbanho

Hi, The comments above prompted me to look again at the bridge. I can now see a barrier/restriction, the east node of the bridge is tagged height=0. Logically this may well be the problem, you can't get under height=0.

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answered 25 Feb '21, 09:46

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

That would only be true for maxheight but not for height. And I doubt that foot or bicycle routers would check any of these tags.

(25 Feb '21, 13:11) scai ♦

As a matter of interest what software are you using to display your route? Layer=1 is very much software specific and normally not required. The routing using my Jan 2021 Somerset Basecamp map worked fine although it flagged up an access=no whilst foot=yes

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answered 25 Feb '21, 09:42

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%


Hi, The router cannot determine that the bridge actually crosses over the river as there is no layer tag. Adding layer=1 will indicate that the bridge is above the river and routing should be OK, (the river with no layer tag is implied to be layer=0).

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answered 25 Feb '21, 08:44

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

That's ace, thank you, I have changed the layer to layer=1 and will wait to see if that works. Thank you

(25 Feb '21, 08:52) Jim Karthauser

I doubt that a router will evaluate a river as a barrier as long as the bridge is connected to the roads on both ends. Regardless of that it is still a good idea to add the layer so that renderers can be sure how to draw river and bridge.

(25 Feb '21, 09:36) TZorn

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question asked: 25 Feb '21, 08:31

question was seen: 2,830 times

last updated: 03 Mar '21, 13:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum