I've created and modified a point with Changeset: #99522721 (#map=19/5.43365/100.26386) but the point doesn't show up on any map layer, though visible in the edit mode. What can I do to make it show up? The specs are: Feature Type: Monitoring Station Monitoring: weather Description: rain gauge Name: RG 9 With the tags: description: Rain Gauge man_made: monitoring_station monitoring:weather yes name: RG 9 In the forest here, there are very few markers, Rain Gauges being the most common.
This question is marked "community wiki".
Currently monitoring stations are not rendered on the standard style map see https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/2516 You will either need to find a map that displays these, create one yourself, or display such data on top of a map, for example with umap https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UMap Thanks. That's very clear. Is there any other way this POI could be tagged or re-categorized? It is not important that this is a "monitoring station." Its practical use is as a location marker for hikers and bikers. In the jungle here, there are very few other markers, so if you ask someone how to get to X location, you will be told, "Go straight past Rain Gauges 4 and 6, don't turn right toward ZiZai but go straight on to Rain Gauge 9, there turn left." Is there a more generic tag for such "waypoints" or "location markers" that hikers use to find their way? Even though it's a very small "building", could I tag it as a "significant building" map feature?
(22 Feb '21, 10:48)
As an aside, there is a tag in use for rain gauges: https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/weather%3Arain_gauge . I don't know anywhere that will render it though.
(22 Feb '21, 11:16)
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